Thursday, August 18, 2011

Who do you think Dean Winchester should end up with in the end?

This question is for the supernatural fans, now as you know, most of his hunting life, Dean has been with alot of women but who do you think he should be with in the end if he ever had a chance at love? Cie Robinson, Dean's first love, Lisa Braeden, Dean's one night stand, Jo Harvelle, who has had a crush on Dean, or Carmen, his girlfriend from a different reality, who do you think would be right for Dean?

Do men really care about who is 'alpha' among females like women might care who is 'alpha' among men?

I mean do the same rules apply or is it a different set for a different biology? I mean alpha women can be very inclined to undermine, put down, dismiss, abuse other more ''beta'' and even ''omega'' women. They are usually type A's, very outgoing, socially coercive, manipulative, not very spiritually attuned but in the primitive sense quite dominant in ordinary social life..Do men look at things in a similar light to women or do men just care about whoever is prettier and who they get along with? Do men prefer an alpha female to more subdued characters?

What might I have? Mental issues...?

I would go to your local health department, or call them and make an appointment that day. Don't wait any longer. The free clinic appointment that you mentioned is over a month away, I find that upsetting, because when you need help, it should be there for you, as in that same day, that is what they are there for.

How is this letter ? Edit and Criticism please?

It all sounds good but I don't really like, "If we compare the spellings of Brutus and Caesar then Brutus comes earlier in the dictionary."

Should I trade Joe Flacco and Dez Bryant for Michael Turner?

I say no way, you have two solid backs in Rice and Charles with still the possibility of picking up Jackson off waivers. The trade would leave you with Young as QB and for me that's not acceptable.

Sir what the best job in kuwait ho gives big money and how much i educate to get that job?

Construction always pays very well... you need to be strong and able to follow directions and measurements to the very best of your ability but it rarely requires school, unless you would like to be the architect/chief builder... start low and gain experience and soon you will be the guy kicking back and making sure the other workers don't slack off.

Why did hitler have widespread support among the german people?

Who wouldn't support a charismatic leader who promised prosperity and happiness and pretty much delivered. The down side is obviously the way and how he went about it.

Does this sound like Petit Mal?

This is one of those it might be questions. It seems somewhat odd that all of a sudden at 14 you would start getting petit mal seizures for no apparent reason. Why not ask your parents to get you an appointment with a neurologist? They will most likely order an EEG first to see what your brain wave pattern looks like. Seizure activity has a certain pattern and will show up anywhere from 3 days before until 3 days after any seizure. Back in 1984 I had a head injury that ended up with having my first seizure 36 hours afterward. Luckily for me my doctor had me in the hospital for observation. He thought I had a concussion that turned out to be having both types of seizures. I am now controlled by medication, but until a medication called Keppra came out 10 years ago I was still having them. Please get an exam by the neurologist so you can be on your way to knowing either one way or the other. Good luck and God Bless

Why have Americans become so ignorant when it comes to politics?

Unfortunately far too many in the electorate are sheep and can only follow the flock and their shepherds. Until they either learn to formulate an independent thought, or pull their head out of their demagogues posterior, nothing will change. They will still chant their meaningless pretty words and regurgitate whatever they are told by their messiah and his cohorts.

Couple question about learning to skateboard from scratch (i'm 18) also questions about longboard.............

Longboards are like snow boarding more but if you want to prepar for snowboaring then get a WaveBoard because i snowboard and it surprisingly feels the same. You can do anytricks on a longboard but since you don't seem like you want to be a skater and do stairs and gaps then get a longboard.

I have two ears, is this a diesease? am i a freak!!!?

I'm sorry to say but you are going to die. This condition is called dualauriculitis and it is 99% fatal. The only cure is the milk of Antarctic snapping turtle, sadly they are extinct. Good luck!

Humphrey's 11 and Possible Pregnancy?

sometimes ovulation can be seriously off and sperm lives for up to 7 days so misshapps can happen. If its possitive you are pregnant. the spotting was implantation bleeding. the chances of two tests being faulsly positive is highly unlikely,, good luck and congrats, its not as bad as it seems to be preg,,you could also think of adoption, theres lots of familys who want a new born but cannot have kids.

I need help writing this parageaph about Leonardo Da Vinci..Can you help me?

You should have a minimum of 5 questions and answers for each interview. The interview should be written in a dialogue format. Answers should be informative and highlight their major accomplishments.

Predicting Widowhood?

If your husband happens to be the only son or the eldest son of the family there will be no problem.Generally venus in the 8th house brings prosperityand good natured husband/wife. people will say 5th house rahu means you will be infertile but the moon in the 5th house ures ou will have 2 sons. but you have to do haldi abhishek to rahu. It will be better if you get married before you complete your 27th year 4months after 24th year within 3 years you should get married.

Will this laptop play star craft 2?

Most likely, but it will lag like crazy if a lot of units are spawned and are put in one place. It will probably have to play on low graphics though.

Do I have to go to get this checked out?

You should definitely go see the doctor about it, it could have damaged your nerves and cause infections or more problems in the future. so definitely go check it out before it becomes a more serious condition.

Ever Wonder Why !! is it all about ISLAM or what ........?

Yes so a western woman can attend university in saudi arabia and wear a miniskirt? It is different if one is a choice and the other is by law. When a woman is beat in public for showing her face is this good is this what Islam wants? How come Islamic countries that allow women to wear western clothes are chided by the new mulahs? How long before woman are no longer allowed at university with or without hajab?

Where should I go in Africa to see wild lions?

This question probably sounds really stupid, but I've been interested in going to Africa for ages. The thing is, I want to go because i want to see wild lions, crocodiles, zebras, giraffes... But I can't just get on a plane to Africa and expect to land somewhere where I can see them! Where in Africa would I need to go? people say 'The Bush', but i can't get on a plane and land in 'The Bush'!! Please help, thanks!

Interest on income tax not to be paid?

whether Income tax department has issued any notification that no interest is to be paid on the income tax payable by any person for returns filed upto 30th september, 2007?

Which skateboard deck should I buy next?

plan b skateboards are getting noticed a lot these days and a lot of people say they have a lot of pop and are awesome all i think you should try out plan b skateboards

37 Down on the office crossword puzzle on NBC.Com?

I am doing the "The Office " crossword and I only have just a few left and I am having a complete brain fart on 37 Down. Could someone please help! I'm driving myself nuts!! Thanks

What's a good song about a break-up?

I'm specifically thinking of something about a girl feeling betrayed, angry, or confused about the guy who left her. Songs like Because of You by Kelly Clarkson, and You Outta Know by Alanis

Why is it that Muslims can insult other religions but they are very defensive over there own?

Overwhelming inferiority complex. They know they are a bunch of third rate countries but their leaders keep saying they are the best because of Islam. A conflict not easily resolved.

What are the Crochet Tutu Dresses made of?

you could use pretty much any yarn you wanted. But you need to have some knowledge of crochet to do it.

A river with its headwaters 2000m above sea level flows at 1500km to the sea. What is its gradient? cont...?

A river with its headwaters 2000m above sea level flows at 1500km to the sea. What is its gradient? Do you think your calculated gradient is valid for all segments of this river? Explain in detail if you can.

Tea Party/Republican Betrayal?

Don't the Tea Partiers know that the Republicans will turn their backs on them as soon as they're elected, just like how the Dem's turn their backs on the LGBT and pacifists? All politicians care about is getting into office and lining their pockets, not so much what the people want. They may do something simple, like p a birther law, to keep you on their side, but they won't repeal healthcare or scale back spending.

What skills make you stand out?

It depends on the guys. Find out what his general interests are or the dating history and see what helikes. Some basic ones that have gotten me noticed are my artistic skills, the fact that I dance, and at the same tIME as being smart and hot, being a bro and a renegade.

MOM IS SUCH A BEEP MAN................?

Ok, I have the flu, and I told my mom if she could bring me some medicine, and I was nice I didn't yell, and my sister is so spoiled, so she told my mom to bring her things for swimming with her friends, cause she gets to go swimming, and I get to stay home sick... My mom comes back 2 hours later, with only swimming stuff.... I asked her if she got the medicine, and she said she was to busy looking for swimming stuff... Geez, and I told her that my sister was in the bathroom for 2 hours... until my mom came back, and my sister said she was changing... she didn't even take a shower... what the hell is she doing in the bathroom for 2 hours... I ask and she gets mad and says shes changing.... I had to go to the restroom, we only got one ffs... everytime she spends like 2 hours in the bathroom, especially when she doesn't take showers, and when she comes out, she didnt even change

How do you hypnotize somone?

Try making the iris of the person you're hypnotizing go way up until he/she is unconscious while holding your watch.

Is prejudice against religious people an example of justifiable prejudice?

If you meet a religious person, you can make judgments about their character before you have the information confirmed, right? Judgments like, religious people believe in a bunch of nonsense usually contained in an old book of myths, therefore, this religious person is either not very bright or deceiving themselves. Religious people are usually conservative in their political ideology and conservatives are supporters of a corrupt and hypocritical system of government that promotes war, racism and a system of economics where rich people own a disproportionate amount of society’s wealth, therefore, religious people are hypocrites. Stuff like this. Prejudice against race is seldom justified but prejudice against religion is often justifiable, right?

Please somebody tell me what is it?

Wow dude that sux why tha f**k did it take you this long to say sumthin to anyone?? If I were you ill run my a*s ASAP down to tha hospital.. It can be anythin from urinary track infection to prostate cancer and i.e. THAT IS NOT AT ALL GOOD!! Do you drink alot?? That could also be sumthin to look into but I wold still go2 a doctor cus this has been goin on for too long..~LAT3$ DUDE~

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

What is the idaho fire safty code for propane venting?

I am installing a propane stove for I need to install "B"venting,or can i get by with regular venting.what does Idaho codes say?

What is wrong with me and my life?

There's good news for you: It gets so much easier. No, there will always be problems in your life, ups and downs. But this intensity that you feel, that everything is life-or-death, that will settle down. Your feelings will be calmer and easier to handle in a few years. I know that seems like a long time, but it's not. In the meantime, remember that your family is your family for life. They know you better than anyone and only want what's best for you. As for your boyfriend, if he is the one, your family will see that in time. Both of you will have to have a lot of patience and understanding. I'm sorry about your BFF. At this stage in life, most of the people you hang out with, you will have trouble even remembering their names in 10 years. You will make a lot more friends in your life. Life only gets better with age.

Did I do the right thing?

okay.. so this guy my girlfriend was texting my girlfriend.. he said he was upset about girl problems. he said to her he wishes she was his gf, she said why and he said shes straightforward fit, and a lovely girl. she told me about this and at first i wanted to knock his teeth down his f****** throat. then i calmed down and said not to be doing stuff like that again. i said i wouldnt hit him over it as it wasnt worth it. i said he wouldnt appreciate it if the same thing was happening to him.. then he apologized and said he would stop talking to her altogether. i said i dont mind him talking to her as long as he didnt do that kind of stuff again.

New lap top 64 bits. is it good for cad?

I am getting a new laptop but it is a windows 7 system and is of 64 bits. i need it for CAD programs. i have heard that it no CAD programs can be installed on it becouse it is a 64 bits. is it true and if yes how can i manage to install my CADs.

Please answer this please?

i like this girl at school, when i was walkin by her she said she didnt like me but she was with her friends i don't know if i should ask her out and shes 1 or 2 years older than me

Is there a site that has music codes for neopets???

I had this one site i new but someone made it from weebly it worked and it was something like cheetahs full time music codes something like that is there any othere sites???

Heart and head at odds (revised.. thanks)?

last year when my bf and i had been together just a few months, we just knew that we were destined to spend our lives together. no doubt. still no doubt. he had mentioned that he wanted to save some money so he could take me and his kids to italy this summer, where he is from... i got very excited. then, someissues occurred, his parents didnt like me because they didnt like the fact that he was dating so soon after divorce (over a year) and didnt want another woman (me) around their grandkids, they didnt want me to take them away. needless to say, that never happened, but that put me out of being able to go to italy with the family. they all bought their tix in march and i came to terms with not being abloe to go. this time it was ok, next time, it wont be. i was hurt, but i understood. well, his parents have taken a liking to me in the past few months. yesterday, my bf was talking to me and said that he wished i could go to italy with him... (cont)

Hello, Help me. How's this draft conclusion? If not, you can fix or add it for me. Thanks. ?

He lacked of grief that showed his feelings: remorseless and silent and more. He did not feel sorrowful and say farewell to his mother who died. Another, he killed the Arab man, he might be ruthless. When he was third found the guilty of death, he wasn’t shocked. Finally, he was executed.

With the emergence of china as a super power of some sorts and the mucho mucho consumption going on in india?

and china as they try to feed and fuel this new industrial boom with earths resources, (keep in mind china has made a pact with most of the countries in africa for their natural resources), do you think THE GOOD OLE USA can ever regain its glory ? keep in mind that the glory of the USA was based on being the only uber industrialised nation to which everyone sold their resources to. now folks in china and india and brasil are starting to live like americans, and they are offering better deals to the countries with resources. is america doomed forever ? will this economy start to shrink and shrink till every major city becomes as abandoned as detroit with no industries to sustain the indigenes way of living. will america continue to shrink to the point where we all get condensed into one little space while mucho mucho cities are abandoned cuz of lack of industries ? is the future bleak ?

Where in Leicester can I buy My Chemical Romance merch?

see here: a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

How many blue rams can a 40 gallon aquarium hold?

I have a planted forty gallon aquarium (open top) with lots of hiding places. It already has 2 powder blue dwarf gouramis. I would like to add 1 red tail shark, 10 cardinal tetra, 1 small plec and 6 corydoras. The other fish i would like to add is a blue ram. How many can my aquarium hold? I was thinking about having three.

So there's this boyy.. <3 , HELP ME PLEASE!?

WOW! Really!? OMG I have the same problem with love too. Well you can e-mail him or write to him and tell him that u like him.When he knows, he will start relizlizing u and then he might ask u out and u guys might be together!!!

Does this guy like me? (honest opinion)?

It's tomfoolery. He's kidding around and playing around. You obviously have his attention. You're on his mind, and part of his daily schedule. I wouldn't doubt he likes you or has a thing for you. So, the answer is: He likes you. The question is in which way: a new friend or girlfriend.

Concerns with my newborn?

my son had exactly the same thing and i thought he was sick too. it scared the crap out of me but after 4 or 5 days it was over. he still snorts but i think thats just what he does now lol so dont worry and if she was sick she would 100% have a fever, wouldnt want to eat, and it would be difficult to wake her up out of her sleep.

Where will I find solubility data?

At the moment I need to get solubility data of benzoic acid in various pure solvents (methanol, ethanol, and other organics) however in the future I will need data on other compounds in similar organic solvents. Is there a database for solubilities out there? I have searched for papers and can't find many looking at pure solvents. Any tips for finding accurate solubility data that I could reference would be great.

What is your definition of beauty?

i love when i have just finished cleaning the entire house and doing yard work.. and everything is perfect.. i love it... now that's beautiful. oh and my gf lol

New Call of Duty 5 Wii clan!!?

Hi my name is [UDM]Travis. I am not the owner of this clan but i am trying to find anyone who would like to join the clan Undead Marines clan for Call of Duty 5 (world at war). theres no testing to get in all you need to do is go to the site and become a member. if you need help just go to the chat box and talk to me, {UDM}Phi (owner) or another moderator. hope u can check us out. Thanks

Is this a discrimination situation?

We moved into a mobile home park in october 07. In January of 07 a rule was ped that no dogs over 40 pounds are to reside in the park. However, they let us move in with a 75 pound dog which is very well mannered 1/2 golden/1/2 Australian Shepherd. He is our sons dog and once our son moved to the country he took him. We were wanting another puppy and was blessed with a 6 week Golden Retriever. Now their saying we can't keep him because he will be over 40 pounds. A Doberman, Grey Hound, Chocolate Lab and other over 40 pound dogs reside here and they say its because their Grandfathered in. We are facing eviction if we do not get rid of our puppy. I see no fairness in this situation and I am home with this puppy most of the time. Other rules are being broken in the park as well like motorcycles (rules state no motorcycles) & people living with family members who are not registered and back ground checked. I don't care what everyone else is doing it is their business. I am just wondering if this is a form of discrimination. Help! Our neighbors all disagree with the parks decision too. They are witness to us keeping very good control of our pet. Please I need input! Meanwhile we are looking for a place as I am not getting rid of our Golden!

My favorite names. any suggestions?

i like charlie brooke the best 4 a girl and cameron glenn the most 4 a boy. but i'm not sure about the glenn part...

Was Jesus literate or illiterate? What is the historical evidence?

He was, and is, the Word of God (John 1:1) - meaning the person who inspired the prophets and all the words of the Bible. He is the source of all things, including language.

Can you suggest a few Houston night spots?

Hey everyone, I am looking for some new places to hang out on Friday and Sat nights in Houston. A few of the places I frequent now: Red door, pub fiction, Drink houston, Sammy's and used to love going to mbar and opus. I have kinda grown out of snooty places such as Bond. Any suggestions? :) Thanks!

Who is still missin' Heath Ledger ?

First of all,thank you Australia for the amazing actor Heath Ledger. I'm Italian but I think he was one of the best actor of his generation,he was totally awesome as the Joker(but also as Ennis DelMar in Brokeback Mountain) and I still can't believe that he's really gone. I didn't know him but I know he had something special and I miss him so much! Don't you? What do you think about it?

Can CPS drug test you during first home visit?

From what you've told me I don't think your sons father will get custody. I don't know if they'll drug test you right away. If you smoke "occasionally", as in, a couple hits once or twice per month, the THC will be in your system for up to 14 days starting from the last time you smoked. If you're an every day pot-smoker, it will take about 30 days for it to get out of your system. THC stays in your fat cells, so the less fat cells you have, the faster it will get out of your system... If you have a higher metabolism, work out regularly, are on a good diet, and regularly drink lots of water, it helps to get rid of it faster, but it doesn't shave off a whole lot of time if you weren't doing those things already and just start now because it's too short of time to make a difference. It only helps the people who lived that kind of healthy lifestyle to begin with.

How much gamestop store credit can I get for these games? Would it be enough for a used ps3?

I think you have enough. I sold my ps2, and like 35 other games for it also my 360. For the ps2 i got $35 for it, $4 to $10 for the games but $12 for Final Fantasy XII (I don't know why). And for the controllers they were like 5 bucks. Well since you have 190 and are selling your ps2 stuff I think it should be enough for a used one if not enough for a new one

Tell me how you like this one?

jesus,,,no one else answered i found it..i love it..i,m a racing fan..this is great,,,finally i give a ten screw the other poems.this is life and true..thank you..this is a perfect memory..

How life could have started?

First in the earth., there is a reduced environment and have hydrogen, nitrogen etc. and due to high temperature,smallll moleculea like ammonia, water, hydrogen cyanide etc were formed. Then these molecules combined to form aminoacids, sugars and nucleotides. Then by condensation reaction, nucleus acids, proteins acarbohydrate andand lipids were formed. after that nucleoprotein, glycoprotein etc. Then these molecules were enclosed in a membrane of lipid and protein. Taht is the first organism of the earth.

Skaters, Ollie Tips?

first of all be confident. dont get angry and discouraged. ill give u an example of positivity and hope... me... it took me like a year to ollie, its the first trick then others will be easier. ok once your patient and positive (the two P's) you get to it. do the steps but try really hard not to be aggressive. once u pop and slide your legs should be more relaxed... try to keep ur knees bent longer so u actually stay up there. when you pop dont stomp u should kick down quickly then ones you feel the tail hit the ground u have to make sure your back foot is jumping... thats where the air comes from. bring that back foot up. Ollies are all about efficiency: you need to have a quick, forcefull and springy pop that will push you up and u need to have good control with your front foot. try different positions till you get a comfortable one it wont happen till ur comfortable. good luck

Does anyone remember this movie?

the movie is called NOEL, it's on youtube...i love that movie..even when he breaks i remember i use to cry every time he did....

As output increases, diseconomies of scale...?

E means the law of diminishing marginan returns is affecting production. it can be both because of A or C

What do u think will happen on the new south of nowhere epidsode?

in the promo carmen and spencer fight and at the end ashley and spencer are on the phone and ashley says omygod what do u think happens?

What qualifications would i need for these sorts of jobs?

im looking at archeology but more in the way of teaching in a university etc and i am more interested in ancient civilizations such as aztecs etc. ideally id like to be a teacher in ancient civilizations : )

I got a 93 on my asvab and got a Military Intelligence job with the army. what do YOU think i should have done?

i am a sworn in military intelligence imagery yst for the army awating shipment. i got a 93 on my asvab and several people disagree with my decision. some people think i should have joined the more "elite" air force, others think i should have joined the navy. i personally think i made the right choice and i do not regret it. i just want to know what some other people think i should have done. thanks.

Toronto Raptors trade line-up?

Nice line up but Reggie Evans and Bargnani is not too big or too strong that line up needs a good 1-2 good big man in the starting line up just to match the big guys in the league who against you in terms of rebounding and defending the rim.

His religion bothers me, what do I do?

Your only choice is to leave him, because if you stay with him, you will become like him. I had a witch tell me that demons are transferred to new members through , and that may have already happened to you. Romans 10:9-10 is your only way of salvation, and then you can be free from atheism and satanism. Then you can pray for his salvation and deliverance from satanism, and you will have a brand new b/f. You will also be new! :)

What does my dream possibly mean?

It sounds like your subconscious is trying to tell you that you really like this guy but you're afraid to admit that you may like him more than he likes you. Also you may subconsiously feel that you're too good for him and that you deserve better.

Why wont it except this problem in chem...wht am i doing wrong?

It might be that you need to include (aq) after each of the ions on the left side. It might also require that the arrow be drawn as -->, or that the (s) not have a space in front of it, or something else dumb like that. You do have the correct answer.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Trade Question?

Fielder is a great player who is going to produce. Atkins and Haren are solid players and Harang might be decent...what other pitchers do you have?

What exactly did that Senator from Idaho do?

In the men's bathroom, that's got everyone so upset? Did he expose himself? Did he proposition someone? I've heard jokes about him "tapping his foot", what does that mean?

Credit score for checking account w/ Pentagon Federal CU?

Last year I have applied for checking and savings account with Pentagon Federal and I was granted savings and declined for checking. I was told that my credit score was too low based on their credit scoring system(not FICO). I am 21 and have a very healthy savings account w/ direct deposit through them, could this be a negotiation factor to convince them to open me a checking account? If not, would anyone know what their credit criteria is? I know my chex system is clean but I have made few mistakes along the way with my credit and now recovering from it. I am thinking about reapplying but I dont know if my credit is good enough this time around. I was really hoping that my savings et would convince them otherwise.

What was beethoven thinking ?

how did he compose a such a wonderful piece like moonlight sonata, i can't get over that song , how exactly does someone compose clical music, sometimes i can think of a melody but that is it, the longest i ever did was about 15 seconds, is there any books or some websites that can provide information on composing music ? can someone tell me the essential(i am not sure if that's the right word) about composing clical music

Help me - nasty family!?

Have you got a social worker on your case? Talk to them. If necessary, get hold of a camcorder or use an MP3 player to make recordings, but you'd have to be very very sneaky about this.

Where is the gospel according to Jesus?

There is no gospel according to Jesus. It was a kindness for Jesus to allow his discipes to write these accounts of his life for us. No, Paul did not destroy it to make his own religion. Read his writings and you can plainly see that he directed people to Jesus as the Messiah, not to himself.

So 20 percent of German youth are Neo-Nazis?

OK so I would provide a link but I can't find the website I was on when I came upon this. Isn't illegal to show a swastika in Germany? If so how are they getting away with it? How do they grow so much? Wouldn't think the German government would crack down on this considering the government consider themself a islamic republic? That statistic shocked me to the core. If they come to power....WW3 anybody?

Does the President's statement sound a lot like, "Why aren't you out arresting murderers?" that speeders use?

No but I heard that the American Psychiatric ociation is going to start certifying a new specialty designed to help birthers overcome their psychosis.

Need help .. Water Flow ... fluids?

Water is pumped steadily out of a flooded basement at a speed of 5.5 m/s through a uniform hose of radius 1.1 cm. The hose pes out through a window to a street ditch 2.8 m above the waterline. What is the power of the pump?

Confronting your Arch Nemesis...?

Wow intresting. Okay your friend is not unlike some guys i know views women sorta as his slaves doeshe not? But I would reccomend encountering him on this subject. But you have to do so carefully to avoid possible conflict. Ok first thingyou have to do is to go up tohim very kindly dont try to start a fight with him or anything that will be the wrong move to make. But instead go up to him and say Hi long time no see how r u? Then if he appears to be non-resentfulgo on very kindly and ask him if you can ask him a question. That easy to do just how you say the question that counts. Chances are this will go well but if it doesnt dont fight him. Ok then you tell him that you still care about him you just dont understand why he is this way towards women. Tell him you want to help him. Tell him that it is rough seeing you do this. Tell him that women have feelings to and that they are not just living punching bags like some would say. I think i gave you somewhat of an idea of how to confront him. Pray about it and pray for him as well. He could use Gods help. Most certainly.

What is the best way to clean a suede western saddle seat after mice have made their mess on it?

My saddle seat is spotted from these mice, and when I clean it I don't want to ruin it! I would say the seat color is a dark rusty color. It is a Camarillo Barrel Saddle, which I dearly love, and I hate this spotty mess!!

Another reason Kobe is a better person the MJ...?

OMG......Magic played point guard, forward and a playoff game, no less....and won it. No, MJ was real good, but I'll take the Magic Man. Theres lots of "go to guys", but guys like Magic only come around once in a lifetime. Trufe is, they all entertained us a LOT. I love 'em all. Kobe's my man now......Mr. Clutch.

PSAT scores help please?!?

I'm a sopre right now and I took the PSAT back in October. I only got 1850 out of the possible 2400 and I think that was in the 91st percentile. How could I improve so that I could qualify for the National Merit Scholarship when I take the PSAT in junior year? Also, for the National Merit Scholarship, if you win it, does that guarantee you admission into whatever college you choose + financial support, or is it just financial support? Thanks.

If biologists say apes & humans originated from the same species, why can't we procreate together?

Well, dogs and fish are descended from the same ancestors, and they can't produce offspring either. Why would you expect different species to be able to interbreed, just because they have a common ancestor? After all, that's the main definition of DIFFERENT species!

How would the mexico national team be with!!!?

Yeah honestly, we dont have a good forward. Chicharito and Vela are good but they're still developing and not at their peak yet, Franco sucks, and Sabah is kind of slow. Nery was good in 07 and that why they played good against Brasil, the best team in the world. Right now we can really use Nery speed and killer skills for the WC. Hopefully he somehow miraculously gets his level back in time and plays for the seleccion.

What is this movie named ?

I can't remember the name but the premise involved an asteroid hitting earth, and the main characters being relocated to a country in North Africa and going back to a frozen Germany in search of a scientist

Do any of u know a book written about segregation, or civil rights movement?

The autobiography of miss jane pittman might be a good one, it covers many decades though, included the civil rights movement. That's fiction though. You can try any books about Martin Luther King Jr.

Fun, outgoing people, can I ask you a teeny thing?

kay, so imagine your walking through the mall & you see a friend (girl or guy) you havent seen for a couple of months. you miss them really much but well, daaang, you see 'em at the mall. what if yur kinda awkward & dont know what to say except the good old "how are you?" statement. what should someone say to a friend they havent seen for a while so they could have a rather fun & random convo? like go up to them & bear hug them or something & be like "oh hey fiesty person, hide in narnia for all this time?" idk. & then what to talk about..? :) im 15 too

Bangkok to koh samui? By train?

If you take a train your have to go to Surat Thani and then a bus or mini van to the ferry about 40 minutes away. Then take the ferry another hour and half to Samui. You can also take a bus from Bangkok to the pier in Surat Thani and then the ferry. You can get an overnight bus and arrive in the morning at the pier. If you fly only Bangkok Airways and Thai Airlines fly directly to Koh Samui google them to find there web site and price. I think it's about $240 or so round trip but prices are going up plus baggage allowance is only about 10 to 20 kg and you pay a lot extra for luggage over that limit. I think I have told you this about 3 or 4 different times you have asked this same question. You need to decide what you want to do and do it.

Catholics, who do you really serve?

We serve God. Are you on a mission from Satan to attack the Church that Jesus Christ founded? It is apparent you hate the Catholic Church though you deny it.

Background for balckjack2 "iphone background"?

Can anyone tell me how to get the Iphone background to be my blackjack 2 background? can i get it from somewhere? :)

Mature twentysomething guys, need your opinion?

um if i like a gurl i ask how she is feeling and if she is sad i try to help her with her prob cuz i feel as though if i actually listen then she knows i care about her

As a Christian, what is wrong with me appreciating Obama's quest for peace?

You're ideas are more pro life than the republicans. It sounds like you realize there's more to being pro life than just having a fetus .

I have a 1989 Plymouth Grand Voyager LE with the 3.0 V6 and the blower motor decides it not gonna work now?

I only have front air and heat and I have already checked the fuse.....So where is the motor located and how hard is it goona be to fix. The motor itself is only 29.99$.

So the Dems want to throw the first amendment in the trash and get rid of talk radio?

Great China now officially has more freedom than we do. (been there recently 3 times). Is this why Obama wants to be freinds with dictators-because he admires them- Chavez in Venezuela and Castro in Cuba? And their ability to control freedom of speech?

I have a property in The Dominican Republic I want to rent out by the week?

The property is in the resort town of Bavaro (Punta Cana). The home is paid off and seldom used. I want this property to start making money for me. Those of you with experience in renting out your properties as vacation rentals please give me any advice, suggestions and or comments on how to do this. If you can suggest any agencies or websites I would appreciate it!

He called again... Now What Do I Do?

Through this whole situation you've managed to develop a very good sense of what you have to offer. By owning your feelings you've made a really good step towards becoming a better person. This is not an easy road by any stretch of the imagination. The lessons here are obviously multidimensional, partly personal growth and partly such that in some way you may even be challenging your own morals regarding divorce. A love relationship, if it really is love, will always bring you back to yourself and in turn you become a better person. Other parts of the situation include your identification with each other's values, unhappy marriages and attachment style. I would recommend that you read up on attachment styles to better help you understand that aspect of yourself and also any coping strategies that you use. Being in love means being vulnerable, we all know that there is at least a 50 - 50 chance that we will get hurt emotionally. It's a risk that we take, because it could also go the other way. You are a better person for having known him than if you had not. Remember that you are worthy of being loved and respected and I admire your courage to sort through your feelings. Love given and love received is the best form of therapy. The love you have to offer is a wonderful gift that someday you will more fully share with someone.

Will my hand scar? I was burned in the oven?

So I was baking a cake in the oven today.. Took it out with oven mitts of course duh. But it kinda slipped or opened up? Since it was too big on my hand. and I accidently touched the ceiling edge of the oven. Didn't hurt or anything, just felt a light burn. It was set at 350.. C or F I forget lol. But it was already off. Like I left it on, but the preheat and on went off, so I guess you can say.. it took a "break". So yeah, it didn't hurt or anything... stings couple seconds later. But not badly.. It's not where near.. to what I been through with stings. It's nothing compared to other stings. So it was very light sting. My mom applied some oil... not vegtable oil. Some medicine oil to help it.. "cool down" from burning.. or to help it heal faster so it doesn't become red. Anywayss!! lol. It formed a line of skin, very very thin, now it's bumpy and I can see it grow. and stretched across it is skin leading to the line, that skin.. is VERY very fragile. I think it's filled with water? Do you think i'll have a scar? If I do.. do you think it would be serious scar? Taking YEARS for it to fade? Honestly. It doesn't hurt.. and im a very weak person

What did herbert hoover accomplish while in office?

The Great Depression began in Hoover's first year in office. He was totally incapable of dealing with the giant economic melt down, but anticipating FDR's New Deal Hoover did begin the Reconstruction Finance Corporation that Roosevelt used with much success.

OMFG is planet earth going to be extinct.?

T Pyxidis may be in fact a "ticking time bomb," and potential threat to the Earth if it were to go supernova, which it may do sometime in the future, though very, very far in the future on our timescale calculations, at least 10 million years.

I Don't understand what this matrix question is asking, help please!?

They are asking you to use the properties of determinants to calculate the value in (a). For example, the determinant of a product of matrices is the product of the determinants, the determinant of the inverse is the reciprocal of the determinant of the matrix itself, etc. So here the answer would be (No.1)^2(No.3)/(No.2)

Speech and debate team sweatshirts?

my schools speech and debate team is getting sweatshirt and so far none of the designs weve come up with have fit the bill (either have been unusable or jus weird) so i was wondering if you guys have any ideas. no copywrited things, obviously. btw our mascot is a panda :) and we would prefer something witty. for example some of our previous ideas were dont hate... DEBATE (principal wont like it), the REAL N.F.L.[National Forensics League] (too commonly used), and We Kick Aff [aff is short for affirmative cases] (principal wont like it). so yes, help would be appreciated, thanx ;)

Monday, August 15, 2011

How could i make some quick 500 dollars?

dont make enough at job, going to try yard sale, already sold college textbooks, dont got nothing valuable to pawn.... any other IDEAS?... lolz i even enter to win money online , im so sad spend my change one lotto tickets, looking for another job... but i need 500 dollars in 2 weeks. IDEAS?

Which of these former mlb players could currently help your team the most?

Well the Dbacks can use all of these guys right now, but if I had to choose one I'd go with Ted opinion the best ALL AROUND hitter of all time. And from what I've learned about him he was always willing to p on helpfull tips to whoever was willing to listen so he could rubb off on some of those young hitters in the lineup.

Why are Southern voters accused of bigotry when Utah gave Romney 90% of its votes compared to 1% for Huckabee?

Using my State of Georgia as an example of how some Southerners voted in the Republican Primary, we find these results with 96% of precincts reporting: Mike Huckabee with 33.9%, John McCain with 31.6 %, and Mitt Romney with 30.2%. Therefore, it would seem to me that IF vote totals are used to determine bigotry in a particular state then Georgia is the LESS bigoted state.

Why isn't my new PNY 2G Micro SD card adapter not working?

I recently bought a Blackjack II. I decided to buy an SD card for it so I could have my music and etc. on hand. So I went to Best Buy and bought a PNY 2G Micro SD card with an adapter for it. When I got home I decided to try it out. I put the card into the adapter and set it into the correct slot on the computer, but it wouldn't recognize it. I tried the SD card in my friend's adapter, and it worked fine, so I'm guessing the problem is with the adapter.

Contemporary Musical Song for Audition - What do you think?

Hey try -hairspray or -les miserables and make sure you find out the story behind what you are singing!

Christians: If we are going through the tribulation?

I have really studied all sides of this with an open mind. Are you familiar with a harvest? There are firstfruits, the main harvest, and then there are the gleanings. Christ was the firstfruits, I feel that serious christians are the main harvest, and the tribulation saints are the gleanings. Also, have you read about the Jewish wedding customs? Also, I feel the 24 elders in the beginning of Revelation are representative of the church, because they sing the song of being redeemed by the blood of Christ. We still must be prepared spiritually, whether we have to go through it or not. I was always told that you should live a spiritual life like it could all end tomorrow, but still plan ahead for your future in this world.

Which airline is the cheapest for a 1 way ticket from Washington DC to BKK Bangkok durning like june-august?

just a one way ticket from d.c to Bangkok :)a economy cl durning june- august?? which airline is the cheapest?

What exactly is a "Blue Dog Democrat"?

i would like to know who else was considered a blue dog democrat, i do know however that JFK was considered a blue dog democrat, so if you looked up what his beliefs and policies where then that may help.

My father just received 3 parking tickets from the same traffic cop?

wow maybe that officer didnt like the car or something haha sorry um yes report the officer and see someone about it cuz that aint right! good luck!

How do you know when it's time to change the bar on a chain saw.?

My chainsaw is about 10 years old and I have only changed the chain twice, I have sharpened the chains in between and I am about to change it for the 3rd time--I don't use it that often, but I don't know when the bar needs changed. Does it ever need to be changed?

What is the poem, 'Buddha in glory' by Rainer Maria Rilke, about?

He's talking about God and God's son, Buddha, who is the infinite center and everywhere. So the universe is His flesh and fruit which is an illusion and is nothing and so doesn't exist to cling to you, if you are free and know you are Buddha and God, too. The absolute vacuum of being is the eternal that has and will always exist, while endless cycles of the universe are born and die forever in God's unending existence.

Clinton's impeachment deserved or politically motivated?

Was he considered as guilty as Nixon according to their oath? I am trying to be fair and be able to understand impeachments for U.S. Presidents.

Can you cure a hardened heart?

I think i have a hardnend heart towards about a sin. I dont wnat it and want to change my heart. Is this possible to unharden it? Is there still hope?

Wanted: dance your face off music?

Okay, I'm looking for some awesome new songs.... I love dancing to Rihanna, Justice, Savage, Fergie, Danity Kane type of stuff. I need some new music!

What kind of business should I register my photography company as? LLC, Private Owner, etc?

Just Go to the County Court House and Fill out a D.B.A.( Doing Business As) form and file it. If you wish to Incorporate you can do that at any time. Make sure that you Buy " General Liability ". For a Photography Business, this should be Very Cheap. I Carry a 2 Million Dollar General Liability Policy for my " Hot Shot" Service.

Best place to look for a boyfriend who's interested in dogs...?

Go to lot's of Juniors shows. Lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots of Junior shows. And go to different areas, different events, etc... I'm sure you'll be able to find someone. Eventually.

I dont know what to do anymore?

I have thought about w another man before. after a really rough break up, i began drinking a lot. one night in a drunken state i experimented w an old coworker of mine. we were stopped by the police at the hotel where he was taking me and I know that the word has spread about this experience. I woke up the next morning in complete disgust with myself. my curiousity had turned into a curse to be on my name forever. I didnt like it enough to do it again. this was over 2 years ago. since then i was in a a great relationship w a woman and because i was so afraid of her finding out i broke it off w her. I don't have any emotional feelings towards men and I don't want to experiment anymore. I just want to be happy again . should i tell women i date about this? should i try to forget about it? i dont know what to do? this happened 2 years ago in college, im a teacher now. could this hurt my career? would you date a guy who told you this?

Can some people out there help me with my question please!!!?

You're asking too much of her/ expecting too much. She is not able to follow through. Realize it is NOT her fault!! Get some help for her from her doctor---and one of many of those service organizations out there---set up to help you all. He needs to control his temper!

Do you think that Govt. Health Care like what we have in the Military is a good thing?

Government health care like what the rest of the world has would be a good thing. Take France, which consistently pays lower health care costs, has better quality of care, and more coverage than the US healthcare system.

Is it right to let my dog clean the plates?

my lovely wife says no.....but Roxy does it better than me and she just licks them yes i have allready asked a similer question!

What is going to be hugo sanchez' excuse for mexico this time???

what is going to be hugo sanchez' excuse for that embarrazing excuse of a team...write down as may as you can....

Let's try to be Kenny, EJ, Chuck and Reggie here (TNT)?

Dribble and attack the zone in the post and by driving in hard and ping out or try to get contact and some fouls or they can just shoot and hope they make a bunch of three's and long two's which I doubt there three's or long two's would be much of a success

I think my CPU is bottlenecking my video card?

I suggest getting a CPU with higher FSB if your motherboard supports it. If it does i suggest getting Intel Core2 Duo E7400 and up. If you can't support those, I think the CPU will greatly improve performace and videocard.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

What is Jersey Shore?

Is it really like some new reality show? It sort of annoys me when I go on facebook and I see like "JERSEY SHORE! :D" on like all the girls statuses (and a steadily increasing number of guys). Like I've never even watched it, but do you not realize that no one can possibly have that much drama in their life to keep you entertained every single week? It's fake, not reality. Like, you get all that drama at school? Why go home and get more? Reality shows are stupid. I'll stick with my usual shows (House, Trauma, Fringe, Bones, Persons Unknown, and The Event looks really interesting) If I want to see drama/fights, I can just go find those certain people who always cause it in my school, and btw, at least it will be real. :D

Is my "friend" a witch with a capitol B?

She is 36 years old has 2 kids and negelcts them to be with a jiggilo... She let her mother raise her 18 year old while she ran off with some no account, then she had his baby a little girl now she negelcts her and lets her mother do everything while she lays her in the bed..She met the neighbor downstairs who already has 2 girlfriends, He is a jiggilo and lives off women. she completely ignores me when she comes over and goes straight to his condo, she puts on makeup, takes an hour bath, and has lost a ton of weight he has taken her to meet his family, they are together ALL the time. They have even slept in the same bed together. She says they're just friends and that everyone needs to mind their own buisness yet she gets everyone involved. Last week the guys other girlfriend came up and questioned me about the guy and "my friend" I told her they were just friends but that they spent the night in his timeshare but they took her son and said nothing happened, now she's mad at me... Are they lying about being together? She won't talk to me now what should I do? I left her a ton of voice messages. She did scream at me in the background the other day when I was talking to her mother and said me and my boyfriend are going to go to hell. I have been a good friend to her helped her out with the baby given her hundreds of dollars to pay legal fees. She won't let me see the baby that I paid all that money for and am very close too the baby loves and I love her what should I do? She also called the police on me and said I was phone haring her... Please Help

What current wwe stars could eventually debut (or return ) in tna?

I think Jericho could dominate on TNA and so could Shelton Benjamin.... Regal could join World Elite... Maybe lol

How do I modify the windows and IE history using Visual BASIC?

Namely retreiving those entries, deleting select ones...Im trying to make a program to "remove footprints".

Question on alleles :(?

I think pink is dominant to red. because if pink was recessive, they would have to be zygous recessive, and crossing them would only result in pink. if they were heterozygous and you crossed them, you would see the 2/3 to 1/3 ratio because 25% of the offspring would be zygous dominant and be pink, 50% would be heterozygous and would be pink, and 25% would be recessive, or red.


Both schools lead to unemployment. Maybe it's impressive to be able to say to someone standing next to you in the breadline "I went to USC/UCLA Film School" but most likely they will just laugh.

Will the verizon iphone 4 work in czech republic?

my parents are going on a trip there and my dad wanted to know if he could still call me and txt me their. what would the charges be if he can use it?

Why didn't Cook fans like I Don't Wanna Miss A Thing?

I wouldn't say it was mediocre coz whatever song he sings it is still the same wonderful voice that comes out. People's ideas can still be affected with the song chosen by the contestants. It might not be really david cook's performance that they don't like, it must be the songs that they hate.

Who is your favorite and least favorite food celebrity chef?

rachel ray is my least favorite. she has no idea what she's doing, she's just on for her looks. my favorite is also paula deen.

I dont understand my science homework HELP?

i don't know the words but i do klnow the original meaning of atom"that which can't be split"...this is like semi correct, with modern day technology we can split atoms but then they become something different from the original substance...for example if you split water up into atoms then u split the water atoms it is no longer H20...what grade is this from just curious

Router trouble please help!?

I just had Satellite internet hooked up to my main pc,and now I want to add the router so the other pc will work and the laptop This is a netgear router, and I have hughes net. I did install the cd for the Router, but we are having trouble with connecting with the laptop.

I have never been to Manuka for an AFL game so suggested...?

to my partner re going to either the Swans v. Melb. match in June or the Swans v. Western Bulldogs match in August which I thought might be a better one to see. He said do the Melbourne one as we should win that one? But I would have been brave enough to go to the Footscray one . Is he being chicken????

Hahaha Ed Reed is funny right?

I agree he's a top 5 safety in the league...but to get paid more than an elite QB? Please. Any safety is less valuable than a top QB, LT, RB, CB, or DE. I could name 20 players I'd rather have than Reed.

Teeth gap question?

I have a hereditary gap in the front of my teeth. I had braces but soon after I had them off the space appeared. I have a retainer I wear to help minimalize the gap. My ortho says there is nothing that can be this true? I heard something about getting a wire on the back of my teeth that would keep my teeth together. I just can't live with this space anymore.

Is there another famous (or moderately famous) POW besides John McCain?

George Washington, Andrew Jackson, Dieter Dengler, Jessica Lynch and Kurt Vonnegut, the American writer.

PSYCHOSIS/DELUSION issue...... PLEASE for anyone familiar w/ this... I really badly need you:'[?

It sounds to me like you are incredibly stressed out. Stress makes your mind go a mile a minute, and from your description and typing, I can tell your mind is going too fast for you to catch up. I would try to find some ways to relieve all that stress if I were you. Ways that do not harm anyone, including yourself. If you don't work out, you should start. It is a great way to relieve stress and after a workout, I feel like I have accomplished something and I have no problems sleeping. Think of your body and mind as an energetic dog. That dog needs to run off some of its energy. If it is stuck inside a cage all day and night, the energy just keeps building up. If your stress keeps building up, it will eventually just explode and that is never good. I find that yoga is very relaxing and it is a great way to just clear your mind so that you can begin to sort out your problems. Also, if you start taking care of your body, your body will take care of you. Once you start building up your work out routine, your self-esteem will grow and you will feel great about yourself. I hope this helped!

Is heath ledger really dead?

Heath Ledger died from an accidental overdose of a combination of drugs, including, amongst them, a sleeping pill. I was wondering too, because his death brought me psychological attention to his character in Dark Knight. His performance was flawless, but I felt it magnified 10 times because I knew he had ped away.

The show girlfriends on the cw?

does any body know if tony will ever come back to the show or why she left the show and dirint return for the next season

Have you heard the joke about the Atheist in the woods?

LMFAO. That reminds me of that Dane Cook joke about the atheist reincarnating into a tree and getting turned into paper used to print the bible.

I have a question about School Forms on the Common Application?

It says on the Common Application website that you are able to print the School Forms out, and mail them in, instead of submitting them online. However, the printable versions of the forms aren't showing up under my School Forms section. Instead, it's asking me to add a counselor and teacher to my recommendations list, and that an e-mail will be sent to them with further instructions and apparently the appropriate forms that they will need to fill out. I wanted to physically hand my teacher a paper version of the form, so that she can attach it to her own personal letter, and mail it in with my transcripts. How can I get the paper version of the Recommendation Letters form? Thank you.

The chemical plant where you work need a solution of NaOH that has a molarity less than 0.5M. You find a bott

The chemical plant where you work need a solution of NaOH that has a molarity less than 0.5M. You find a bottle labeled 0.2M but you are unsure if you should use it. A co-worker who makes lots of mistakes tells you that he made the solution using 12g of NaOH in 1L of distilled water. To be on the safe side, you decide to tirtrate 25mL of HCl to determine its concentration. You will use a solution of HCl known to have concentration of 0.5M. Can you use the solution made by the careless co-worker?

Snaffle vs Pelham...?

So, I just got done reading a book by Heather Moffett. In it, she encourages the use of the mullen mouth pelham over a snaffle. I bought the book because my horse is frustrating me lately and I wanted some different views on some stuff. Now, everything I have ever heard was that a young horse or a horse that is fresh in training (like my 8 year old) should be ridden in a snaffle or other mild bit until you are ready to refine the horse. She says many horses hate the nutcracker action of the snaffle, and if you have to use a lot of pressure with the snaffle, it is not right. Now, how do you guys feel about this? I have never used a Pelham so I am not about to just go out and buy one. It is very difficult for me to get my horse to relax his jaw and she is going on and on in this book about how some horses hate snaffles, pelhams are wonderful, etc. Has anyone every used another kind of bit (other than a snaffle or french link) to help their horse relax their jaw? I plan on continuing in my current bit, because all of my previous training is drilled in my head, but I am curious about what others think.

On do I get all my IM's in one Window...?

Like so that it's one box with all the names on the I don't have a whole bunch of windows with IMS on my screen.

How do people end up in hell?

According to the book of Revelation, on the day of judgement, god will liberate everyone from hell and p judgement on them. But what the hell were they doing in hell before judgement was ped on them? Are there two rounds of judgement, and if so, why would a perfect being need to review its own work?

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Using distilled white vinegar instead of apple cider vinegar for making hair shiny?

I've heard that mixing apple cider vinegar with water and using it once in awhile after shampooing and conditioning make its smooth and shiny. Is it the same if i used distilled white vinegar instead? Would it smell bad?

Using my school's name for profit...?

My friend and I are planning on making custom silly bandz for our school, stuff that would have our mascot, the school's name, sports we play, etc... If we sold these on own own, NOT through the school, could we get in trouble? legally?

Is CM Punk's New T-Shirt a Ripoff of the Starbucks Logo?

I see the similiarities, but I don't think its a ripped off version at all thought. Its looks lik it was done probally by accident.

Disability Benefits Back Pay?

My son's original application date for soc. sec. disability was feb. or March 2008, not sure on the date, but around that time. His application was denied & after the 2nd appeal he won. He has an attorney that will get 25% of his back pay. The date he won his appeal was Oct. 2009. He was 17 or just turned 18 at time I applied & now 20. They say he is under "child benefits under the adult earning parents". So he was disabled since 4 yrs. old. We to this date have received no word or penny of his back pay. His original award letter after he won in court was sent out w/the monthly amount he would get & it said they would examine if he got Soc. Sec, dependent care benefits any time during the time after his initial application. I am on disability...he was done receiving dependent care benefits by the time he applied. So I don't understand why they have not discovered that & it has taken almost a year.(maybe he rec'd one mo. of dep. cov., but even so, this is taking too long). His atty. & myself have contacted our local soc. sec. office dozens of times about his back pay. They keep saying "it's in Baltimore's payment processing center", and they or we will let you know. They never say when & this is ridiculous. I asked, should I call Baltimore, they say no. During the 2 year process of appeals for my disabled son & his 1st payment I supported him on credit cards. His deadbeat dad is a criminal so could care less of my sons needs. So I am in about 8K debt & we really need that back pay so I have more money to pay for things instead of credit card bills. I know this is long, but can anyone give me advice. We are just like, oh who cares anymore, screw the back pay, they are never going to send it. They should not get by w/it, but we feel like this is being done intentionally.

When will my medicine work?

I went to the doctor the day before yesterday and i was diagnosed with bronchitis. I took this antibiotic called the z pack that night, yesterday night, and tonight. It hasn't started working yet. I still feel miserable and i cannot stop coughing. When will this end?

Will a tax levy affect my FICO score?

A tax levy has been placed on my bank account for unpaid payroll taxes by an LLC of which I am a partner. (Back story: the payroll company took money out of our account and failed to remit to the IRS and has since gone out of business.) I am in the process of getting these paid. Will the levy negatively affect my FICO score or credit report? Thanks.

What are some popular Czech holidays and celebrations?

I am doing a report on Czech Republic (Czechoslovakia). I need to know some things about their holidays and celebrations. What are some popular ones? And how much can you tell me about them? or atleast give me a link to some of them. any help or suggestions are greatly appreciated. Thanks

What is the best live show you've ever seen?

i saw mt boyfriend drunk dancing to "girls just wanna have fun" that gave me chills! ....jaja...hey it was a SHOW!

How do I move on from my boyfriend's betrayal of my trust?

Yesterday I found out that my boyfriend of 8 months, whom i live with, has been for over a month now texting another woman he works with daily and going to lunch with her 2-3 times a week. He told me about it, I had no idea it was going on, but her husband threatened he'd e-mail me and let me know if it did not stop. He did e-mail me this morning and sent me a conversation my boyfriend and his wife had over texts and told me everything that his wife told him about it. The conversation wasn't ual at all except there was a comment by my bf that he couldn't get her out of his head and she said the same. He told me nothing physical happened, he knows what he did was wrong, he regrets it and will never do it again. Basically my question is, if I decide to stay in the relationship and we try and work through this, what steps can we take as a couple to mend. Obviously, I have lost all trust in him and am not going to forgive this quickly. I'd like to hear from anyone that this has happened to and what you did. Before this relationship I was with someone for 10 years who continually did this to me and I stayed. I do believe my current boyfriend to be totally different then my ex and he has never betrayed my trust before, but I don't want to be a fool and forgive someone who doesn't deserve it. Although this incident is minor compared to what could have happened had it went on for months, I still was lied to and I know I will have trouble getting over that. I'm just totally at a loss, please help!

I have a 1980 Cadillac Coupe de Ville?

I am trying to find the Entry Illuminating Module. I looked all over the luggage compartment found nothing.Does any one have any additional info

My heart keeps going fast?

I recently took kickboxing which is when this started. They make me do push ups and situps and fight and train. I also started running. Befor this I usually wasn't active. My heart goes fast like 96 heart beats minute. I also get slight chest pains. Should I be worrried.

Palin on 'Bridge to Nowhere, did she flip-flop?

I like her due to her standing up and not being for it, but is she like John Kerry and "was for it before she was against it"?

Guys i need you expetise on this!!!! very important!!!?

my X bf & i have been separated 4 months now.even though were not together anymore,we still Tex each other,and sometimes go out for a coffee,movie or eat in restaurant.we decided to be friends, but its hard for me to be hopeful that were not gonna be lovers again.he is my longest bf, we dated 6 years,and we came to a point that were thinking of our future, that's why we have joint account, do i need to return his money,i withdraw all of my shares.but the thing is he doesn't want to accept the money, he told me that i should keep it first, he will get his money if he needs it. and if I'm gonna have i new bf and he told me that I'm the only person he trust and we don't know what gonna happen in the future that may be there a possibility that we still gonna end up each other?do i have to return all the things that he given to me?should i accept all his invitations and still communicate with him, and make friends with him. would i still wait for him.?

What drug/s was Manny Ramirez tested posiive for? And if you know where and when?

Drew1 is correct, but they are used to cover up other drugs that increase testoserone, which is what makes it very controversial.

Help, I am being threatened and hared through yahoo messenger on my cell phone!!!!!?

I have been being hared and threatened by a certain yahoo user, he was texting my cell phone from his cell phone, i called my cell phone carrier and they blocked his number from being able to contact me. The police were contacted, and they suggested changing my number if the harment did not stop, then getting a restraining order and contacting the phone company. So I contacted the phone company like I said and they blocked him from contacting me. Now he is using his Yahoo messenger to send me text messages to my cell phone. I have taken the steps of blocking anyone not on my friends list on yahoo from contacting me, but this has not worked. This person is not on my friends list, and I am not even sure exactly of his SN on Yahoo. I have complained to yahoo and given them the reply number of which the texts are coming in from, and nothing has been done. Is there any advise anyone can give me? I really can not afford a restraining order because this person has not done anything psychical yet, my law enforcement wont just do it because I want one.

I received a check for an INC., but I'm an LLC?

As you will be declaring the income, there should be no problem from the tax point of view. Your bank may refuse to accept the deposit depending on how sharp they are, but its worth a try before asking for it to be reissued

Is it ethical for PROF to drop student that fails to get a perfect score on syllabus test before 6th cl day?

Professor at University of North Texas routinely drop students for failing to get a perfect score on syllabus. Regardless of the fact that funds loaned from the US Dept of Education were spent to pay for the cl the result is a WF and over $903 of lost tuition. The syllabus allows lots of make ups for those who stay in the cl, and many extra credit opportunity; the Syllabus even offering students the option of taking a grade based on semester work or else an optional final exam. The process seems to indicate a lazy instructor, megalomaniac, who only accepts the cream of the crop student. The practice is very much like HAZING. Should Professors be expected to dump students that require a little extra effort to understand. Should the practice be looked into by Federal Funding agencies like the Dept of Education? Is the practice one that promotes students interests or promotes the selfish aims of the instructor? What do you think?

I'm feeling a little dizzy on Atkins, what to do ?

On a daily basis I eat only meat, oil, er, eggs, half an avocado, a little cheese and basically that's all. It's true I can have unlimited portions of meat and fats, but it starts to be painful.......It's the first time in my life when I'm drooling to eat a juicy apple. They said I won't be hungry, well I'm not, but it's a very strange feeling, like I've lost my vitality or I don't know how to describe....somebody felt the same ? The results are worth this sacrifice ?

How do I find out if my computer has these things?

go to control panel, then you go to system and on that screen itll show you how much Ram you have and CPU with speed then for more detail click on hardware then device manager and it shows you the hardware your computer has. hope i answered your question

Why am I still afraid after blood work?

Hi, I just need some reurance because I am can be anxious at times about my health (I had a LONG eating disorder history so that accounts for a lot). I just got my blood work back and everything was good. Cholesterol, thyroid, electrolytes were a tad low as were my white cells but everything was good on my chem profiles etc. I'm still scared that I'm going to just drop over sometimes. My blood pressure is excellent..... how do I convince myself that if my doctor was terrified about my blood work then she would have said so? Should you trust blood work alone? OK, I know I'm sounding like a hypochondriac.... sorry. I just get frightened sometimes. Thanks! Oh, fasting glucose was good. I'm in excellent shape, I'm not remotely overweight..... geez. Thank you even if you don't know what to say:) Crazy patients:)

I REALLY need to delete my account (QUICKLY, my parents dont know) i need something fast and easy!! PLEASE : )

Yeah so im stupid and didnt ask my parents b4 i got my im and they told me if they ever found out i got 1 id b grounded so i need the quickest and easiest way to delete it (im comp. illiterate) PLEASE HELP A STUPID PERSON OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU SSSSSSSSOOOOOOOO MUCH!

Is it healthy to exercise until you are out of breath?

yep it's fine to run til you drop. as long as you're healthy enough overall to do it without killing yourself. It's a form of high intensity interval training. Too much is when you just don't want to do it anymore. You stop working out hard because your body just won't rise to the challenge. Your body will tell you when you're overdoing it.

Is there any video of the Mt. St. Helens 1980 eruption?

I can't find video anywhere. why is that? it happened in modern times with tons of opportunities to film the explosion.

The Electoral College Vote?

Isn't it time to due away with it? The person with the most votes win. I feel it's making this harder then it has to be.

How to calculate the number of moles in a sample...?

A student collected a natural gas from a lab gas jet at 25 degrees Celsius (298 degrees Kelvin) in a 250 mL flask until the pressure of the gas was 550 torr (0.72368 atmospheres). I need to figure out the number of moles of the sample, the molecular m of the gas, and finally the name of that sample gas. Any help appreciated!

How to say 'I never exercised much..' in french?

I didn't exercise much when I was younger.- I didn' ; exercice de t beaucoup quand j'�tais plus jeune.

Anyone heard of Greenslade?

Yes - they were a fringe prog rock 70s band. At the time I thought they were utterly dreadful but now I recognise that they were even more dire than that.

ProActiv: Do you HAVE to cleanse before doing refining mask?

Yes, the cleanse opens up the pours, so if you didn't it wouldn't work. the refining mask needs to go into the pours to work. Thant's why it stings, sorry buddy.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Please help ,me with this. thanks in advance...?

Please refrain from cutting and pasting your homework/quizzes for us to do. It's an abuse of this site.

What are the notes played?

The river flows in you is NOT Bellas Lullaby in the movie....the one Edward plays on the piano in twilight is composed by Carter Burwell.

Are there 2 types of Gatsby Moving Rubber?

they are just different containers - it is not unusual for products like this to be sold in more than one container

What is the most dangerous aspect of..?

The theory of evolution is a LOT more dangerous... think of Hitler... who he used the theory of evolution to justify the killing of jews... May God damn to hell everyone who preaches the theory of evolution!!!

Do You Believe In Love?

I believe that people will find true love someday in their life, but how can any teenager possibly know what TRUE love is. I hate seeing my friends getting so torn up over being "in love" with a guy they had barely been going out with for less than 6 months. And then within the next few months they claim to be in love with some other dude. It just seems like a fake feeling they imagine for themselves! I think the term "love" is used too loosely. But don't call me cynical because I actually want to fall in love myself, but I highly doubt any 17 year old guys really understand the difference between what it means to care alot about someone and to be IN love with someone.

Algebra 2 help please!?

I was going to help you and give you the answers to figure out the problems yourself, but since you asked for work shown I can only guess you are lazy and don't want to do them yourself. Too bad.

Should I run for president?

You have my vote sir, But you will be hated by the left, just wait and see the answers you will get. Kudos on #'s 2 4 & 5. #6&7 makes me want to come out of retirement and re enlist. Again, You would have my vote sir.

Do u think he likes me?

well that is very long but i don't think that he likes u BC if he does all that stuff its pretty overuse that he does so i think u should ask him or if u like him try to tell him if u like him

How to split image file?

I downloaded MATLAB software ,it is in image file of 5.4gb to burn into dvd .. wen ever i insert dvd it say cont burn memory is to less because dvd can store 4.7gb only to split image file into two part so that it can burn n run software ....plz help

Thesis statment?

Too choppy. Also I is capitalized and.. honrer? Honor. "Music expresses emotion and feelings which can realive stress and emotion in which you dont have to say a single word." You said emotion twice in one sentence, that's a big no no.

WWE what superstar do you think is better and why?or who do you like more?

Edge is my personal favorite. He is an amazing heel, and has the in ring talent to back it up. People love to hate him, and thats what he does best. Also, he has amazing mic skills.

What Makes A WWE Superstar A Main Eventer?

having the best catch phrases and looking the best being the best and just being able to be hated on by everybody or loved by everybody.

How does collective bargaining force people to join unions?

heritage foundation says that if we require collective bargaining, firefighters will be forced to join the IAFF, which does not allow members to serve as volunteer firefighters. as a result, it says, volunteer fire departments will lose the core of their firefighters and will have to shut down, causing financial and safety issues... i just don't see the link. if its to get their voices heard (the only reason i can think of), well, with a union as big as the IAFF, wouldnt their voices be ignored anyway?

Does anyone know of any good trusted sites to buy gold coins or gold bars?

a href="" rel="nofollow" has some coins but have links to other sites

Anyone know the name of the fairytale?!?!?

the story you described sounds alot like the story in the bible that tells about a rob of many colars

Does anyone know "e-tour and travel" in Florida?

Carmen Lebron from called my husband a few weeks ago offering a 7-day package (or a 3-day and a 4-day separately) in Florida, which includes accommodation for 4, plus a car with unlimited mileage, plus buy 1 get 1 free ticket to Universal Studio. All for $398. My husband had asked her to send the offer by mail, but we never received the mail. Today I got a call from her saying that there is a special for TODAY only, the same package for $169. She insisted that I confirm right then, she could hold while I checked their website (as I wasn't convinced that this was not a scam). I said I would call back, but she said the offer would then go back to $398. It sounds too good to be true, and I was wondering if anyone has experience with this company, and whether or not this is a scam. The website is


wow you have a tuff life there...those women really need to learn to respec...I don't think you should try that hard...have fun and enjoy their company...don't try to make it work...It'll work if u let it don't take it into ur own hands

What is the name of this african tribe?

even before modern instruments were able to detect it, this tribe from Mali was worshiping the Dogstar Sirius. Who were they?

Question about the Book THE WILD CHILDREN?

I have to an essay about the Book The Wild Children and one of its characters. What I have to do is choose one character from the story and write about how they do or do not fulfill a certain pillar of character (example. Trustworthiness, Respect, Responsibility, Fairness, Caring, or Citizenship). I have chosen the character Leon (because he's Albino) to do the essay on, the issue is that I forget all of the things he has done, since most of the supporting characters were the same. I was just hoping that some people could tell me what they remembered about this character and things about him that follow those characteristics. Please.

WDYT of my baby name alphabet?

i think Zooey is a girls name and most of them i dont like...Uma And Ulf..poor kids. Orla sounds and looks like oral. My favorite and the only one i truely like is the E names or the C are ok and the J

Where could I find morello cherry jelly to buy online?

I really want it abut don't k now where to find it. Is morello cherry the same as black or sour cherry?

What is /backside tag?

While at lunch, I over heard a group of seniors talking about how next week is going to be " tag". I know this might be a silly question to ask, but what exactly is " tag"? lolz

Can I put goldfish with Oscar fish?

My gma has a huge fish tank and we have two goldfish about 2 and a half inches in length. We were going to move them to my gma's tank but she has two Oscar fish and we dont know if we can put them in the same tank. Anyone know?

Me and my parents aren't getting along so well...?

Me and my parents have always gotten along really well.... until now. Now I know what with the recession and all they are stressed out, but I feel like I can't please them at all! On my last progress report I came home with a perpetual 4.0 and they didn't say anything... except for "we are a straight A family, and we won't get anything else!" They're also always crabby... usually at me! Like, for example, I really shouldn't be on the computer right now, because they always find something wrong with my being on it... like I made a mess upstairs (which wasn't my fault... I don't want to explain it) and so now they are calling me "little miss princess" because I am sitting down here on the computer while they are upstairs working! It's like I have no fun anymore because of all the things i am not allowed to do!!!!! Is there some way I could please my parents beyond a shadow of a doubt, or is there something that I could say to them... Please, no stupid answers! It just feels like they have no idea what being a shy teenager is all about. Like a couple days ago i didn't want to have to go to youth group because I don't know anybody there. So I went to go ask pardon of my dad. U know what he said???? "If you stay home, stay in your room because I don't wanna see your face knowing my daughter is a social misfit!"!! And I love my parents DEARLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But I'm getting so frustrated! What do I do???

Is a truly free trade economy workable without corruption?

My primary argument is that no matter what you go with, you will contend with issues. Collective bargaining is just part of the price you pay for free trade.

What happend to the Old Flo- Rida he stop rappin hella clean now he doing songs for the radio and mainstream?

I mean I Like the songs he putting out but I like the Old Flo rida when he was on songs Like Brithday Feat. Rick Ross and Brisco and Songs Like ***** Im From Dade County (Hella Clean) Listen to the song everybody spit especially Flo rida

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Do you think Allison copied Adam's usual style the other night and pulled it off beautifully?

It seems like the American Idol contestants have been watching Adam and imitating him this last week. Kris twisted the song the way Adama usually does, Allison went for the rock with extreme performance....and they did so much better. Anyone else agree?

What is one united membership.?

i am on the man utd website and i was looking to get tickets for one of the games as i went to see the manchester derby on sunday and just want to go back does any one know wat is the one united membership and what are the advantage of paying 30 quid for siging up thanks....

Help with Hardy Weinberg equation.?

First of all, is it established that tongue rolling caused by a dominant allele? IF so, the percentage of recessive zygous would be equal to he percentage of people who can't tongue roll. That should get you started!

I dont know what's wrong with me, help me?

I'd see a doctor about that. I'm not exactly sure what you mean by your esophagus lubricating, but if it makes you ill it is not good.

How much can salt affect our bodies?

my mother and cousin wont stop eating salt with their meals, and i keep telling them that it is bad for them, but they dont believe me, could anyone give me some STATISTICS on what damage salt causes the average "brit"

Expelled brown m from sinuses into throat. Symptoms say brown tumor. How aggressive is it?

You can’t tell by the color what it is or if it is aggressive at all. I’m not sure how you know it’s a tumor. And you cannot diagnose yourself over the internet. You need a doctor not a reference point. Your new doctor should give you a complete work up and that is the reference point. Once that is done you will probably need a referral to an ENT. You pretty much have your pick of any doctor taking new patients as they all accept Medicare. Just call one and make an appointment they will bill Medicare for you. Some accept ignment – agreeing to take a lesser amount and Medicare sends the check directly to them with an explanation to you and others do not accept ignment so Medicare pays at a higher rate, but sends the check to you and it is up to you to pay the doctor. Either way, find a doctor as soon as you can.

I need this phrase translated in Spanish. "He didn't like the dress."?

Would it just be "�l no le gustaba su vestido." Or would you use a preterite verb instead of imperfect?

What does this situation mean ...I need guys opinions!!!?

Theres a guy I used to work with. I asked him out for a drink ONCE when we first started working together and that was the only time we ever hung out outside of work. During the time we worked together he expressed tha the liked me...over IM ..everything he ever said about it to me was through IM, in person..different story. He even asked me out once over IM but never said anything about it in person so it never happened. He eventually moved to Boston without anything ever happening betweeen us and he didn't really keep in touch. I sent him a myspace message recently just to say hey and he responded by giving me his new screen name (which he changed without telling me) and his phone number telling me to call him. I IMed him and he told me that he was coming to town soon and he wanted me to meet him at the airport and then hang out. I am just not sure about this whole thing. I mean he knew I was interested when he lived here and claimed he was but made NO effort in person. He continually expresses in IMs how attracted to me he is but he never calls and rarely makes initial contact. It was almost a week ago that he brought up the meeting him at the airport thing and I haven't talked to him since. While I let a guy know I'm interested, I am not the type to vigerously pursue a guy. What does this whole situation mean?? I like him a lot but come on !

A guy at schoolwants to have with me iwant to denie but i like him help?

if he is the type of guy that u would truly like then he'd understand that u dont wanna have with him. if he doesnt understand that then maybe u should reconsider your feelings toward him.

Howmany people died in mount vesuivius eruption of 79 ad?

est of the population of Pompeii range from 10,000 to 25,000 and Herculaneum is thought to have had a pop of about 5,000. It is not known how many people the eruption killed although around 1,150 remains of bodies have been recovered in and around Pompeii. The remains of about 350 bodies have been found at Herculaneum

How should i my 9 year old daughter?

my daughter (age 9) has always bean a impulsive rebel. I have tried many different ways of discipline time outs grounding removal of privileges none have worked. Last week she was acting up and i ed her. for the first time she shut up and did as she was told. as works on her i am trying to find out how to properly her as i love her a lot can you tell me in detail the appropriate position clothing implement and number of stokes and anything else that i should know

Anyone else using an ovulation saliva microscope?

I purchased a Fertility Focus saliva ovulation microscope, and I was wondering if anyone else has any experience with one of these (whether it's this brand or another one)? It seems pretty straightforward. I was playing around with it just to see if I could get it to work, and I tried it now (10:30 a.m.) after having coffee, eating, etc. It showed major ferning. I understand that you're to use it first thing in the morning before putting ANYTHING in your mouth (coffee, smoking, brushing teeth, etc.) My question is--how do these things (coffee, nicotine, etc.) affect the results? Do they cause it not to work properly, cause false positives (for ovulation), etc.?

Feeling like Im coming down with something...?

I feel really sick. I threw up twice yesterday with a major sore throat. Now I wake up and my voice is gone! I have a headache too. I'm congested and have to breathe through my mouth. Coughing every now and then. What do you think fever?

Friend Drama! Advice PLEASEE?

GET RID OF HER @SS!!!! lol, tell her that she isn't a real friend and she should just go ruin some other peoples lives instead of yours and all your friends, especially Emilie. Tell Emilie she needs to stand up for herself and stop letting Sammy "The biyatch" bring her down because Emilie sounds like she is easily intimidated. You guys need to just get up in her face and tell her to back the hell up or just leave! Don't let her treat you girls like this! She sounds like a real minipulative person who doesn't deserve good friends like you girls. She just needs to leave! and i'm sure all of you girls will agree because it sounds like to me you're all sick of her. Best of Luck!!!

Terminator cancelled? Actors moved on?

I read an article that said that the decision to cancell the show had already been made. Now there is no official news on that yet so I don't care what people say about that but the article also said that almost all the actors had moved onto other projects. Has anyone heard anything like this from a credible source? If so please mention from where.

How do i prepare serious objection to a planning application from a local paper shop extension?

The Local residents want to object to a planning application made by a corner paper shop who have bought the residential house next door and now want to extend their shop into a mini market,there in a off-licence shop 5 houses from their shop and a local post office mini market 20 houses away,we don't want or need this as it attracts youths already causing anti social behaviour,the corner shop owners have only been here for 3 yrs and they have already been raided by HMS Customs and Excise for selling counterfeit goods and have been visited on a numerous occasions From trading standards regarding allegation's of providing tobacco products to under age children,the shop is dirty and unkempt never painted outside and looks desperate,and is in a well maintained residential area with hard working people who are anxious about their intention,apart from profit as the goods are often over prised or nearly out of date stamped,that sort of thing,I know you need to make a good case for fighting this can anyone suggest the way forward .I live in Lancashire UK

Which heat protectant product works better?

I honestly would prefer Chi Silk Infusion. Chi 44 Iron Guard has alcohol in it which is very drying to the hair. Silk infusion hydrates the hair and makes it smooth and silk with providing the protection! I never liked 44 iron guard, it is very drying and makes you hair feel like you have hairspray in it. So go with Silk Infusion! So much better! Hope this helps.(:

How to cut bangs yourself?

My daughter just went to the hair dresser and asked for a side bang. The hair dresser there told her that she did not have the right hairstyle for the side bangs. Side bangs are for people who have layered hair. My daughter doesn't have layered hair. She has the inverted bob. She said that they wouldn't lay right and would just look out of place and in her eyes.

Does ozone layer depletion have anything to do with climate change?

No- LIBS gave up on that hoax a few years back as they will with climate change soon. History has a strange way of making their predictions always ring false.

Why does people thinks that Bangladesh is such a poor country that it cant protect it self?

when my brother was in bankok for a debate competion he heard that the countries said that know bangladesh is a poor country and there is no electrycity in bangladesh.

I don't mean to offend- but why do people consider Catholicism Christianity?

dont hate or troll, i just want someone to answer with their opinion. i personally think the two religions are very different, and it bothers me when people put us in the same category... what are your thoughts?

Why are people attacking Rick Sanchez?

All Sanchez did was speak the truth and now people are taking shots at him, especially Liberals and specifically Keith Olbermann.

Where are all the attractive guys?

I live in maryland and cannot find an attractive guy here. The ones I do like are either taken or gay. Please help me out!! How do I ind the attractive guys? Where do they hang out, what are they looking for??

Where do all these religions and superstitions come from?

some are manmade when they deny the TRinity....the Trinity churches can be trusted.....theyre following God...

Why do people buy into the candidate's lies each election year?

Obama has been honest about taxes. He didnt say he wouldn't raise takes & then change it the way McCain has. Alot of people haven't heard about McCain now saying he is raising taxes. So no one is going to say they believe in lies. I am an intuitive & I know when someone is lying. So I can not say to you that I am believing in someone who will lie to me.I have never done that.So this may be your perception based on the past & not be reality.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Professional makeup help please? okay i have the hereditary dark circle, puffy eyes..i know nothing can help?

other than concealer. what i don't know is what eyeshadow and eyeliner should i stay away from ? as far as glittery, sparkly and what colors should i refrain from using so i don't accentuate the problem? (thanks mom!)

I dot gnow wat tu dow!?

Mah ear is hurtin and it diandnt stop it happen two week ago! I cnt go to doctor wat do I dew? (adn I ned to gnow hatw to dew abut soem1 whew keps seding me emals tat say OMG LULZ I ESPLODED. Wat deos tat meen?)

How to disable a via chip?

I need to disable it to flash my xbox, Iv found a VIA CPU to AGP controller in device manager under system devices but i dont know how to disable it and if its the correct thing to disable at all??

Who thinks ricky rubio is arrogant?

i mean com eon a lot of kids with his talent will be happy to play with any team, but he seems ungrateful, i agreed with brandon jennings only because rubio is making all this commotion, seriously the guy should grow up, play for the team that selects him, he doesn't want to go to memphis or okc because theres no publicity, he doesn't want to play for washington because he doesn't want to play along side arenas, seriously this guy should grow up and be thankful, i use to be in aw of this kid now hes just become a spoiled brat

Hmm.. any song/music recommendation?

Try this blog- a href="" rel="nofollow" This site offers really good music ranging from old songs to new ones from different genres. The best thing about this is you are able to listen to each track then download them after.

Is there anything i can do about this old landlord?

My old landlord called cps making false alligations about myself and my husband. He told them that we were on methenphetamines, herion and lock our children out of the house. These are all lies. The only thing that either of us have done is smoke some weed with some friends. Can he get away with this. Can CPS take my children for something so minor? I am not nor have i ever been on methenphetamines or heroin.This man entered my home when i wasnt there and stole my daughters springer spaniel, killed 2 rabbits and posted no tresping signs on the home before we moved out. I called the city police to report what had happened, The same officer came out that came with CPS to do their investigation. He was very rude and said that he would have a warrant for me by 4 pm the next day, that i needed to turn myself into him for terristic threat on the landlord. I then called the cheif of police in this city and she agreed this guy had no right to be on the property until after he files eviction in which i already knew. But as of now he has gotten away with slandering me and steeling my childrens dog (which was like part of the family)what can be done if i dont have an attorney

What is wrong with society...FURRIES!!?

So I just got back from deployment in Afghanistan and I decide to sight see LA and get smashed on vodka, so i wandering around the city and see a club w people wandering around in sport mascots or some ****, I m thinking to myself wtf do we have here so i enter, next thing i know i see these s on stripper poles, and people selling overpriced **** on of this crap, little teddy bears to screw. me thinking mebbe somebody slipped me some screw, turns this some sort of convention...what happen to the old days? Guaranteed back in the 90S none of this would have existed....what the hell happened? People were attracted to people not some human hybrid animal???? Somebody explain cuase mebbe i should just stay on base???and get smashed in the safety of my room??

Why would Lebanese people dislike people from Israel?

I worked for a family from Lebonon and the owner through someone out who said they were from Israel...

Is baby chewing through normal?

My sister in law adn my sister both tooked the bottle away from their children when the started to chew off the . My son is only 4 months so I have a while but my son is going to be off the bottle at 1 nomatter what.If your son can drink a sippy cup give it too him.Just put formula in it at bed time and he will go to sleep.It is better to stop a baby at a young age at like11 or 12 months with the bottle and the pacifiers cuz when they get older it well be harder.Good luck.Try a sippy cup.See if he likes that better.

Thailand trip and money question!!

Other then hotel cost, 20 to 30 dollars would be enough. Not including cost of entertaining some young lady.

I'm very sick to my do i make myself throw up?

i havent eaten many rich foods at all in the past few months, and i did today (happy father's anywayz im sooooo sick to my stomach but i cant throwup :( i tried putting a finger down my throat but it never works for me. i drank a very tall gl of water but that didnt make me puke eaither. please help me - i have no gag reflex whatsoever and my stomach fells terrible.

Would you entrust the Atheists with guarding our liberty and civil rights?!?

Just because every government where atheists made up the majority ended up killing at least one million people doesn't mean that the same will always be the case. You are narrow-minded.

What is is this question asking for?

I think it's a typo... I'm not sure I've heard of a 33P-3 isotope... there is a such isotope as Xe-P3 (as well as Xe-P6), but 33P-3, I don't know.

The reason why people say Kobe is better than Lebron?

age plain and simple...if Kobe were not a seasoned 13 year veteran people would not make a case for him. It's hard to see some young guy come in and overtake your favorite player

How do you unsubscribe from Yahoo Mail Plus?

I subcribed to the Yahoo Mail Plus 30 day trial period but it does not allow me to send my emails thru outlook bec. its a trial period. So I decided to unsubscribe from it and not get charged for it thru my credit card. Has anyone unscubscribe from Yahoo Mail Plus 30-day trial offer?

Help I have a really stupid bird question how do I get this stupid bird to stop?

One get a screen mesh for around the chemney at the top were the opening is ... Put it in the opening to keep bird out ... That way it can't get back in .. You just have to measure enough to fill empty space were bird can get in only ..And your chemney can still throw the smoke out with no problem ..

Are some women creating a bad example in the media?

My mother always listens to Judge Judy. When I am in the house, I am hearing so much loud, cr, even abusive behavior by her toward so many persons. I know if a Male judge were to act this way, he would be thrown off the show. I feel Males in the system, due to having faced confrontations have developed more compion and respect even for those guilty persons so their words remain more calm and considerate. I feel indulgence and the ensuing freedom of expression allowed by society for such Females, not just Judge Judy, has been very wrongly seen as entertaining and acceptable speech for women due to society protection and allowance for such abusive speech. I feel this will only create more problems as women take greater control of the media.

Are these shoes (Pic included) suitable for an older teen?

If they are for you and you like them yes. But if you plan on giving that as a gift to an 18 year old girl, I personally don't think she will like them. The shoes look like something an 11 year old would wear. Sorry

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Fantasy baseball help????

John Lackey and Pedro Martinez are both on the DL right now. If you have enough DL spots you should put them there so you can pick up a couple more guys for the next few weeks. Yeah I would get rid of Zito and Guillen. I may even think about trading Saunders right now. He is off to a hot start, but once Lackey comes back, and if Escobar comes back, his spot could be in trouble. Just something to think may be able to get something out of him.

Are Jehovah God's Witnesses, The Only Christians that Really Understand This Bible Truth?

Apparently. No matter how many Bible verses there are that promise life on earth for the majority of faithful mankind, most people will reject them in favor of the lie that all good people go to heaven.

The whole "Race vs. Intelligence" issue is taking control of my life, what can I do to stop this?

I can't take it anymore. I can't. I want to cry. I am thinking compulsively about this whole situation. I am black, and obviously get judged based on my intelligence. I'm sad. I just want this to end. I KNOW FOR A FACT, most people automatically and unintentionally will ume I am going to be "slow" or just one of the "dumb ones of the cl". I'm tired of teachers expecting less out of me. I just want to move out of the earth. I don't want to die, but I just want to disappear. I'm not illiterate.

Why is there pressure if you're gay to be w/ another gay person?

gosh, when i come out to other people and tell them i'm gay, the first question i get is "do you have a boyfriend?" for those of you that are gay, when you tell other people, don't you get asked too if you're with someone. like gosh, there must be pressure because of what the media shows. they always show shows with promiscuous gay people and ume every gay person sleeps around. i'm a quiet person and not really wild, but i could be gay and looking for that right person, but i just havent found them, and yet there seems to be this thing from the media that every gay person sleeps around like on tila tequila and those wild gay people on those mtv dating shows. it seems like a double standard because it seems like a straight person wouldn't be interrogated like that. anyone feel me? i dont need any responses like "being gay is a sin," "ity is a sin," serious answers only

What would be a good name for my car?

Come on. Don't call it 'her' too soon. Go to the back of the car, if there is an axle which has rear wheel drive, it is a male. That is his 'testis'. Then Johnson is great. If it has no axle means it is front wheel drive, marina.

Why is it 'kewl' to adopt a foreign child when there are so many American ones available?

There aren't many American babies available. There is a 10 year waiting period for a healthy baby. Too many people choose to have an abortion.

Who did you like better in this movie clip?

Booker was the star of the clip but Kane made it entertaining Booker is annoying so if you don't counter it ZZZZZZZ.

What is one discontinued food item you wish they would bring back?

Me, I wish Kellogg's would bring back Kenmei Rice Bran (Best cereal ever) and that Hostess would bring back the Pudding Pies. Not the crappy chocolate ones now, but the ones that came out in the 80s, with the chocolate shell with either chocolate or vanilla pudding inside...

Problems after my tonsillectomy?

It has been over 3 months since I had my tonsils removed. There is no pain or bleeding but my throat always feels extremely congested. It's been like this for 3 months now and I haven't had a cold in a long time. I'm experiencing trouble speaking as well as breathing. It's gotten to the point where I've had to change my sleeping habits because I can't properly breathe as I sleep. Does anyone know if this is normal? My throat looks perfectly healed. Any advice would be appreciated.

What do i say to him?? please help?

k well i met this guy a month ago. we have been taking it slow and just talking... talking to each other on the phone and texting almost everyday just to see how each others day is going etc. we also see each other in person. but yesterday was suppose to be our official date. he was suppose to go see a movie. he told me he would be ready at 11:30... the movie started at 12:10... I text him around 11:30 and he didnt ever text me back. so basically i got sent off. i couldnt help but crying because I was really embared for finally thinking i can be happy with someone after getting hurt so many times. he hasnt called me since yesterday and hasnt even texted me. i called off a random number to make sure he wasnt hurt or anything and he answered n sounded just fine. my feelings are truely hurt. what do i do from here???? do i text him and ask him about it??

What should i name my new little boy hamster?

I've literally only had him for a few hours and he's such a sweetheart! I'm leaving him a while to settle in but tbh I don't think he really needs it! He's all up at the bars of his cage now! Awwww! So anyways I need a name...I like names that aren't like Smoky or Stripe or Speedy or something that describes their personality or appearance. I prefer just normal yet cute names such as Alfie, Harry or Charlie. At the moment I have two guinea piggies called Teddy and Bruno. Ideas please???:)

I have a question about bicuspid aortic valve?

Firstly I'd like to say a big thank you to all the people who responded to my last question.Your answers were very helpful.Just to recap I'm a 43 year old Brit living in Japan married to a local lady with three young daughters.Last year I was diagnosed with bicuspid aortic valve by chance.My mean pressure gradient was 28mm and at another hospital 22mm. My valve area was 2.3cms.This year soon after having a very heavy meal the echo gave a reading of 37mm and 32mm.I'm going to another hospital to have a transoesophageal echo in June.I feel terrified that that my pressure gradient increased so much.The doctor said not to worry as I have no symptoms,stenosis or regurgitation but I'm afraid to say I still have sleepless nights.Last year the doctor said weight training,yoga and running was ok but now nothing is allowed.Would having an echo directly after eating a heavy meal cause this increase or is it due to my exercises.The doctor said Japan is quite medically advanced but I'm very down.

What to do when my cousins know everything about me cause they can access my fb profile?

Ok, I have a facebook and i have added all my family( cousins and uncles and aunts.) And I hate how they know everything about my life since its on my profile. I'm about to have a girlfriend so if i put in a relationship all my family will know. But i don't want them to. What do i do? And were pretty much always together so if i block them theyll get mad and everyday i seee them.

What is a good bird that doesnt bite a lot? moggie and ms bell!!!?

if you got any kind of bird when it is around 4 weeks old and less they will learn not to bite so easy and fast then the old once .. pigeons are nice but they don't learn any tricks!! if you like to have some you should have more then 10 and just keep them inside a cage on the top roof for around one week or more, and then when you let them out they will fly around all day long and return back to the cage before dark, they are so smart and lovely.

Should there be a moderator so really dumb questions get deleted?

Or are these questions what gives this place a certain panache? A certain eclectic flavor? Where bon vivants can rub elbows with more elementary personalities and a melting pot can be stirred where a rainbow of results ensues? Where the heck IS Professor Irwin Corey when we need him?

I need help plzzzz?

the author is unhappy with himself... it seems as though he is poor and alone. so he is basically less than a peasant. idk what he compare his rising spirits to. sorry :(

Is it wrong to be upset when my boyfriend and my best friend snuggle?

me and my friend live together and my boyfriend came over to spend the night, and pretty much every single moment they were hugging and lying on the bed snuggling and trying to be cute to each other...every time they did that i felt sad and kinda angry, is that wrong? i dont want to be some pissy girl friend over nothing but it just makes me upset...

Are the thing is high school movies true?

my family is gonna move from philippines to san jose california and ofcourse we need to go to school! im a bit terrified to go to school coz im scared of what the movies say! i know some say... dont believe what u watch on tv but after all the bullying stuff goin around is it really true about wet willies, wedgies, head in toilets, popular kids, shoving in lockers and eating in the restrooms or floors when your the new kid? PLEASE ANSWER! were moving next month! im scared to be the new kid!

What is a chic long hair style?

I have long hair (right above mid-) and it has some layers in it. It's pretty of course ;) BUT I'd like it to be a little more stylish...what's trendy but not short? I am definitely not a prissy girl either so no foo-foo bullshit, it needs to be edgy.

Kharma (a.k.a. Awesome Kong)-What do you think?

Okay so after the debut of Kharma at Extreme Rules where she hit Michelle McCool with an implant blaster than on Raw did the same with Maryse, what does this make her? A face, or heel?

My Yahoo fantasy football webiste page is not updating. The page still has a countdown to draft? Only on my?

Just on MY computer, no others, my Yahoo fantasy football page is not updating. When I go onto the site it has the countdown to draft day???? I have logged off and re-booted several times. This has been happening for weeks. Help!!!!

Can deleted text message be retrieved for evidence in a court case?

Text messages can be recovered via subpoena. There was a case in Michigan about a year ago where a girl's family sued the school claiming their daughter was d during the school day on school property due to school negligence. By subpoena'ing the text messages the school board won the case. The girl had agreed via text message to meet the boy in the bathroom for the expressed purpose of having . The point of this story is, yes text messages are legally admissible. But please don't represent yourself - it's a bad choice. Hire a lawyer.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Phillies batting issues....?

Letting go of Werth was a very bad idea.They had too many high expectations for Dominic Brown.He is not Jayson Heyward or Bryce Harpar.In the postseason the giants with no buster Posey and the phillies will have a disadvantage bcause of there average at best batting line up.I really thing the Braves have a real chance at NL title.

What are your 3 favorite "come from behind wins" of your favorite team?

RaGS sez : many years ago on a beautiful autumn afternoon in Atlanta, the Falcons were hosting the Green Bay Packers. The game went to the 4th quarter with the Pack firmly in command of a 28-0 score. In the 4th quarter, the Falcons went ABSOLUTELY WILD and DB Kenny Johnson returned 2 picks for TD's, and the Falcons offense also scored twice in Q4! End of regulation : 28-28. Falcons won on a field goal in OT! It was something to behold, I gotta tell ya! That 1 was better than any other team's 3 !!!!

Now well these never ending lies stop about their health care?

Well Its because they get paid to do this If you stop the money trail you stop the lies and know the truth, fox news Insults the Intelligence of the world not just america.

Do you feel that the Mavericks should have kept Devin Harris?

As a Nets fan, I don't and i'm happy that he is a New Jersey Net. He has emerged into a big franchise player for them and I consider him one of the best (if not the nest) PG in the Eastern Conference. Recently, he became a first time all-star after being selected as a reserve for the East. I can see Cuban's face now when he sees Harris in the All-Star game. He's going to be like "Dam, I screwed up BIG TIME"

Britain's military sucks???

Why is it that the Brit's think that they are better than the rest of the world (especially americans). Is it because they are jealous that the USA told them to F off and started their own country????

Can I qualify for a debt consolidation loan from a bank with a co-signer?

I hear about all the debt solution websites that offer to decrease your debt, yada, yada, yada. I am not looking to find a person to bail me out of the mess that I got my self into, I am looking to find out if a bank would be able to lend me the money to pay off my creditors on a loan with a co-signer as I don't own my own home yet. I am married, pregnant with my second child, and my husband and I want to buy a house eventually. I owe about $22,000 in credit card debt. Am I asking too much to have someone like, say, my father co-sign for a 5-year loan to conceivably pay this debt off and allow us the chance to purchase our own home?