Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Confronting your Arch Nemesis...?

Wow intresting. Okay your friend is not unlike some guys i know views women sorta as his slaves doeshe not? But I would reccomend encountering him on this subject. But you have to do so carefully to avoid possible conflict. Ok first thingyou have to do is to go up tohim very kindly dont try to start a fight with him or anything that will be the wrong move to make. But instead go up to him and say Hi long time no see how r u? Then if he appears to be non-resentfulgo on very kindly and ask him if you can ask him a question. That easy to do just how you say the question that counts. Chances are this will go well but if it doesnt dont fight him. Ok then you tell him that you still care about him you just dont understand why he is this way towards women. Tell him you want to help him. Tell him that it is rough seeing you do this. Tell him that women have feelings to and that they are not just living punching bags like some would say. I think i gave you somewhat of an idea of how to confront him. Pray about it and pray for him as well. He could use Gods help. Most certainly.

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