Wednesday, August 17, 2011

What is wrong with me and my life?

There's good news for you: It gets so much easier. No, there will always be problems in your life, ups and downs. But this intensity that you feel, that everything is life-or-death, that will settle down. Your feelings will be calmer and easier to handle in a few years. I know that seems like a long time, but it's not. In the meantime, remember that your family is your family for life. They know you better than anyone and only want what's best for you. As for your boyfriend, if he is the one, your family will see that in time. Both of you will have to have a lot of patience and understanding. I'm sorry about your BFF. At this stage in life, most of the people you hang out with, you will have trouble even remembering their names in 10 years. You will make a lot more friends in your life. Life only gets better with age.

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