Saturday, August 13, 2011

Why am I still afraid after blood work?

Hi, I just need some reurance because I am can be anxious at times about my health (I had a LONG eating disorder history so that accounts for a lot). I just got my blood work back and everything was good. Cholesterol, thyroid, electrolytes were a tad low as were my white cells but everything was good on my chem profiles etc. I'm still scared that I'm going to just drop over sometimes. My blood pressure is excellent..... how do I convince myself that if my doctor was terrified about my blood work then she would have said so? Should you trust blood work alone? OK, I know I'm sounding like a hypochondriac.... sorry. I just get frightened sometimes. Thanks! Oh, fasting glucose was good. I'm in excellent shape, I'm not remotely overweight..... geez. Thank you even if you don't know what to say:) Crazy patients:)

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