Saturday, August 13, 2011

Is it ethical for PROF to drop student that fails to get a perfect score on syllabus test before 6th cl day?

Professor at University of North Texas routinely drop students for failing to get a perfect score on syllabus. Regardless of the fact that funds loaned from the US Dept of Education were spent to pay for the cl the result is a WF and over $903 of lost tuition. The syllabus allows lots of make ups for those who stay in the cl, and many extra credit opportunity; the Syllabus even offering students the option of taking a grade based on semester work or else an optional final exam. The process seems to indicate a lazy instructor, megalomaniac, who only accepts the cream of the crop student. The practice is very much like HAZING. Should Professors be expected to dump students that require a little extra effort to understand. Should the practice be looked into by Federal Funding agencies like the Dept of Education? Is the practice one that promotes students interests or promotes the selfish aims of the instructor? What do you think?

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