Thursday, August 11, 2011

Expelled brown m from sinuses into throat. Symptoms say brown tumor. How aggressive is it?

You can’t tell by the color what it is or if it is aggressive at all. I’m not sure how you know it’s a tumor. And you cannot diagnose yourself over the internet. You need a doctor not a reference point. Your new doctor should give you a complete work up and that is the reference point. Once that is done you will probably need a referral to an ENT. You pretty much have your pick of any doctor taking new patients as they all accept Medicare. Just call one and make an appointment they will bill Medicare for you. Some accept ignment – agreeing to take a lesser amount and Medicare sends the check directly to them with an explanation to you and others do not accept ignment so Medicare pays at a higher rate, but sends the check to you and it is up to you to pay the doctor. Either way, find a doctor as soon as you can.

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