Monday, August 8, 2011

Ladies what would you think of this letter?

Standing in the cool night air looking out at the faint outline of Carter’s Mountain against the midnight sky, two attention starved purring cats walking figure eights between my legs, I pondered the woman I had recently met. For some reason she seemed so different from the others. Was it the timber of her voice as we first strolled in the soft twilight? Was it her energetic enthusiasm and easy going manner when deciding upon a dinner location? Was it when I first sat across from her, and upon removing her sungles, I gazed at her beautiful smiling face? Her smile was one of those rare smiles with a quality of infinite reurance in it, which if you are lucky enough; you may come across four or five times in life. The German composer Robert A Schumann once stated “people compose for many reasons, one of which is because they have looked into a pair of beautiful eyes”. At that moment I could have composed a symphony. Was it because as we ambled along the city’s promenade all the problems and stresses of life were banished from my mind as I attempted learn everything I could about this woman at my side? Only the late hour terminated our walk, as I could have continued till the sun’s first rays of light reappeared. Was it the feel of her soft skin as I gently held her hand as we said goodnight? To label how I felt would not do justice, for one can label and categorize facts, but not subtle connections. All I knew as I stood under the midnight sky was that I wanted to know more about this woman…..

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