Monday, August 8, 2011

Help with my new tank set up?

Okay people :) I want some advice, I have a 25 gallon fresh water tank. That currently has four neon tets, two skirt tets, two guppies (4 years of age...and look-in old) one female star burst platys and one long fin red minor tetra. Im going to the pet store this weekend to get some new fish and a pretty driftwood. I would like some advice on fish to get. I enjoy tetras but many of them are bland. My mother wants brightly colored fish, but most of the pretty fish like molly's and platys require salt in their environment and I guess I could do that but it seems like an inconvenience. I know for sure I am getting an otocinclus because they are so adorable and eat algae and don't get big. :) So! Type away!

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